Would you rather go to the zoo or an aquarium?
Ans-The aquarium because it been ages ago when I have been to the aquarium.
Would you rather be really fast or really strong?
Ans-I would rather be fast because I am really slow at running.
Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of strawberry ice cream?
Ans-I would rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding because I like chocolate
Would you rather have pizza or chips?
Ans-I would rather have a pizza because pizza tummy bit full.
Would you rather be an art teacher or a physical education teacher?
Ans-I would rather be a P.E teacher because I am good at sports.
Would you rather read minds or be invisible?
Ans-I rather read minds because I would know what people will thinking
Would you rather not be allowed to watch T.V. for a year or not be allowed to eat any sweets for a year?
Ans- I would have no sweets for a year because I don't want to bet fat.

I can relate to alot of these, I really like this!!!!