Monday 24 September 2018

Blog challenge

My topic is birds.
The learning power that I am using is 
The Key concept that I am using is Environment & Sustainability 

Sunday 23 September 2018

Term 3 Reflection

This term has been a really fun term because we had art elective,P.E,sport and cross country this term did not rain much and the last week of term 3 we have work shop Wednesday so I am really nervous for it but I will follow the Nike code which is Just Do It! and yeah so this term has finished and really looking forwarded for term 4.

Related imageImage result for just do it gif

Thursday 20 September 2018

Weakly Reflection

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This Week I have only did work work which was really fun because I love school work and also finished my task in time and I have tennis tomorrow so I am pretty excited.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Blog mission

Would you rather go to the zoo or an aquarium?
Ans-The aquarium because it been ages ago when I have been to the aquarium.
Would you rather be really fast or really strong?
Ans-I would rather be fast because I am really slow at running.
Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of strawberry ice cream?
Ans-I would rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding because I like chocolate
Would you rather have pizza or chips?
Ans-I would rather have a pizza because pizza tummy bit full.
Would you rather be an art teacher or a physical education teacher?
Ans-I would rather be a P.E teacher because I am good at sports.

Would you rather read minds or be invisible?
Ans-I rather read minds because I would know what people will thinking
Would you rather not be allowed to watch T.V. for a year or not be allowed to eat any sweets for a year?
Ans- I would have no sweets for a year because I don't want to bet fat.
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Wednesday 12 September 2018

Weekly Refection

This week has been a sporty week because I have been playing badminton pretty much the whole week and it was quite fun and I was also happy that I have been finished my task on time.
 synonyms of respect-awe,fear,honor,regard,tribute,dignity,favor,homage,esteem and account. 

Image result for badminton gif

Thursday 6 September 2018

Weakly Refection

This week was kind of a boring week because we had less students because they went to cross country so from that we did't did much of a P.E But overall it was good week and I finally finished my mini inquiry and I am going share it on Friday and I am feeling really nervous.

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Monday 3 September 2018

Blog Challenge

If I can run any  type of business in the world it would be hybrid business.
Business name- Shop All

My business is a hybrid business in this business you pretty much make your own products and sell it in your own warehouse my business sells products which we use everyday stuffs like clothes,phones,balls etc  .

I have chosen this business because you earn a lot of  money.

Blog Post

There is only one way to open a Christmas present correctly. First you-I have a quick look at the card then crunch it throw it away I...