Wednesday 5 December 2018

Blog Post

There is only one way to open a Christmas present correctly.

First you-I have a quick look at the card then crunch it throw it away I do not mean the bin

Then you-I open wrapping paper so fast sometime I hurt my nails okay then so it way.

And lastly-I got the present but do not open though.

Thursday 29 November 2018



  • What is a phobia?
-A phobia is defined as the unrelenting fear of a situation,activity or thing that causes one to want to avoid it.

  • What is a fear?
-An pleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger,pain or harm.

  • Do you have a fear/phobia? Explain more about it.

    • Acousticophobia - Fear of noise-If someone makes a really creepy noise I get scared a lot.

  • Image result for PhobiaImage result for PhobiaImage result for PhobiaFind 3 Phobias to learn about and explain what they are.
  • -Phobia is about stress and fear.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Blog Post

                               Once there was a mushroom who just lived in his room he had stinky                                       room
                                       and just eat mushroom it was Christmas eve
                                                so he decided to celebrate it so he did
                                        he put some light up and a tree and he had treat along
                                                    he says to his mum it's Christmas indeed.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Blog Post

Dear Diary, Today was Christmas but I kinda felt left out because I just wanted a carrot but Santa got all the treats and we got nothing. I just started to get angrier and really hungry, then after like 5 or 10 houses  Santa started to say  sorry no carrots again. I really felt left out. I might quit this job! We didn't even got one carrot. I was feeling sick and angry but then Santa got us carrots!!! oh yeah, plus they are from Mc Donalds, this was the best Christmas night ever.

Monday 26 November 2018

Blog Post


Blog Post

There is only one way to open a Christmas present correctly. First you-I have a quick look at the card then crunch it throw it away I...